Public Service Day

27/06/2018 8:23 am

Post: 27/06/2018 8:23 am Updated: 03/07/2018 9:01 am


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Tonga Fire & Emergency Services recently participated in the Public Service Day, hosted by the Office of the Public Service Commission (PSC), and held at the Queen Salote Memorial Hall on the 21 June 2018.  
Public Service Day was aimed at educating the public on the particular services a participating Ministry, or department, offers. Participants were given free reign by the PSC as to the set-up of their booth. TFES designed a presentation of tools for emergency prevention, mitigation, fire-fighting and rescue and recovery. The booth was designed to be as informative and public-friendly as possible. Manning the booth were staff members, representing each major division of TFES.  
The full day event was a success with TFES taking home the prize for ‘Most Interactive Booth’. Major thanks goes out to all visitors who stopped by with us and showed their support!  

PSC Team.jpg